Flere spændende ph.d.-projekter er altid i gang i DTU Fødevareinstituttet. Se et udvalg af ph.d.-studerende præsentere deres projekter herunder.

Green Biomasses as a source of protein for human consumption
Se ph.d.-studerende Mikkel Hansen præsentere sit projekt 'Green Biomasses as a source of protein for human consumption'.
MASSPROVIT - Making Microalgae a Sustainable Future Source of Proteins and Vitamin
Se ph.d.-studerende Emil Gundersen præsentere sit projekt om at gøre mikroalger til en bæredygtig fremtidig kilde til protein.

Smart capsules for sampling within the intestinal environment of mammals
Se ph.d.-studerende Eva Nedergaard de Visser præsentere sit projekt om at skabe en smart-kapsel til at lave prøver i tarmen.
The effect of the intestinal environment on the response to diet in animal models
Se ph.d.-studerende Anna Pii Hjørne præsentere sit projekt "The effect of the intestinal environment on the response to diet in animal models".

Exploring enterococci - From biofilm forming pathogens to safe food microoranisms
Se ph.d.-studerende Belay T. Tadesse præsentere sit projekt "Exploring enterococci - From biofilm forming pathogens to safe food microoranisms".
Pickering emulsions stabilized by Janus particles
Se ph.d.-studerende Thang Hong Tran præsentere sit projekt "Pickering emulsions stabilized by Janus particles - Fabrications, Characterizations and Applications".

Endocrine disruptors across signaling axes
Se ph.d.-studerende Ida Strand præsentere sit projekt "Endocrine disruptors across signaling axes: combined effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals with dissimilar modes of action".
Lactid acid bacteria for fermentation of plant-based milk analogs
Se ph.d.-studerende Joanna Ivy Fugaban præsentere sit projekt "Lactid acid bacteria for fermentation of plant-based milk analogs".

Endocrine disrupting potentials of chlorinated paraffins
Se ph.d.-studerende Mikala Pejtersen præsentere sit projekt "Endocrine disrupting potentials of chlorinated paraffins".
Global occurence and genetic location of antimicrobial resistance
Se ph.d.-studerende Narong Nuanmang præsentere sit projekt "Global occurence and genetic location of antimicrobial resistance".

More sustainably produced and safe cheese through optimization of ripening process
Se ph.d.-studerende Shuangqing Zhao præsentere sit projekt "More sustainably produced and safe cheese through optimization of ripening process".
Mixture Toxicology
Se ph.d.-studerende Yanying Ma præsentere sit projekt om "Mixture Toxicology".