EU Reference Laboratory – Antimicrobial Resistance

The National Food Institute was in 2006 appointed EU Reference Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance (EURL-AR) by the European Commission. It is the responsibility of the EURL-AR to provide scientific advice to the Commission on matters in relation to antimicrobial resistance.

In particular, it is the responsibility of the EURL-AR to provide scientific advice in relation to the organisation, implementation and evaluation of monitoring schemes for antimicrobial resistance.

The European Commission have appointed a number of other EURL's, of which the following may also be of interest to the users of this website:

EURL - Campylobacter

EURL - Salmonella



In addition, the EURL:

  • Annually organises a proficiency test for susceptibility testing of Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli, enterococci and staphylococci for the National Reference Laboratories (NRL's)
  • Annually organise and participate in a workshop for the NRL-AR's
  • Disseminate knowledge on antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods to the NRL-AR's
  • Provide specific assistance to individual laboratories through missions, site visits or individual training courses
  • Provide confirmatory testing for NRL-AR's on bacterial isolates of particular relevance or on request by the Commission
  • Participate in EU (EFSA, ECDC, EMA) international fora and committees related to antimicrobial resistance as requested by the Commission
  • Keep contact to international networks and important organizations or institutes, including WHO, FAO, OIE as well as CDC and the US-FDA

Prior to the inception of the EURL network, the ARBAO-II (Antibiotic resistance in bacteria of animal origin - II) was running for a period of 3 years beginning January 1st 2003. ARBAO-II was a concerted action involving 19 laboratories in 18 European countries. 


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