Disease-causing microorganisms


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses i Denmark 2023 (pdf)


Appendix: Trends and sources in human salmonellosis 2021 smittekilderegnskab (pdf)

Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses i Denmark 2022 (pdf) The electronic file has been amended 18. July 2023, as a few minor errors were identified in the printed version published 21. June 2023. 


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2021 (pdf) The electronic file has been amended 1. August 2022, as a few minor errors were identified in the printed version published 29. june 2022. These errors still exist in the printed version.


Appendix: Trends and sources in human salmonellosis 2020 (pdf)

Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2020 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2019 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark in 2018 (pdf). A couple of minor error were identified in the version of the report, which was published on 7 October 2019. This version was updated on 10 August 2020.

Report: One Health Integration in Surveillance – Inspiration and ideas (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2017 (pdf)



Report:  Source attribution of Campylobacter infections in Denmark (pdf)

Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2016 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2015 (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2014 (pdf) 

Report: The 1st EURL-AR Proficiency Test on selective isolation of E. coli with presumptive ESBL or AmpC phenotypes from meat or caecal samples, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The 18th Proficiency Testing – Enterococci, staphylococci and E. coli, 2015 (pdf)

Report: The 19th Proficiency Testing – Salmonella, Campylobacter and genotypic characterisation, 2015 (pdf) 

PhD thesis: Recipient Determinants Affecting Conjugational Promiscuity in Enterobacteriaceae (pdf) 

Report: Human risiko ved spredning af svine-MRSA fra staldmiljøet (pdf - available in Danish only)

Report: Human risiko for infektioner med E. coli ESBL og CPE fra fødevarer (pdf - available in Danish only)

Report: Clostridium difficile – A possible zoonotic link (pdf)


PhD Thesis: Molecular Diagnostics of Foodborne Pathogens (pdf) 

Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2014 (pdf)

Report: The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network, 2013 (pdf) 

Report: Risikorangering af sygdomsfremkaldende mikroorganismer i frisk frugt og grønt (pdf - available in Danish only) 

Report: The 16th EURL-AR Proficiency Test - Enterococci, Staphylococci and E. coli 2014 (pdf)

Report: The 17th EURL-AR Proficiency Test Salmonella, Campylobacter and genotypic characterisation 2014 (pdf) 


PhD Thesis: A multi-country approach for attributing human salmonellosis to animal reservoirs: Global perspectives and application of surveillance data from the European Union  (pdf)

Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2013 (pdf)

PhD Thesis: Impact of food environmental factors related to fermented sausages on Salmonella stress and virulence response (pdf)

PhD Thesis: The interpretation of quantitative microbiology data: meeting the demands of quantitative microbiological risk assessment (pdf)


Establishment of Risk based microbiological criteria in the Nordic countries: A case study on Campylobacter in broiler meat (pdf)

PhD Thesis: Campylobacter vaccination of poultry: Clinical trials, quantitative microbiological methods and decision support tools for the control of campylobacter in poultry (pdf)

Assessment of the human-health impact of Salmonella in animal feed (pdf)

Annual report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2012 (pdf) 


PhD Thesis: Diversity and epidemiology of plasmids from Enterobacteriaceae from human and non-human reservoirs (pdf) 

PhD Thesis: Development and evaluation of methods for recovery of noroviruses from food, water and air (pdf)

PhD Thesis: Role of intestinal microbiota in ulcerative colitis – Effects of novel carbohydrate preparations (pdf)

Danske Fødevaresuccesser. Journalistisk analyse af, hvad der har påvirket og formet den danske indsats inden for bekæmpelse af salmonella og antibiotikaresistens (pdf - available in Danish only)

Nordic Expert Survey on Future Foodborne and Waterborne Outbreaks (pdf)

Varmebehandling af bær dræber virus (pdf - available in Danish only)

Vurdering fra DTU Fødevareinstituttet: Mikrobiologiske risici ved frugt og grønt (pdf  - available in Danish only)

PhD Thesis: Campylobacter in Denmark – Control, human risk and source attribution (pdf) 

Report: Annual report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2011 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2010 (pdf)

Consensus report: Perspectives of a global, real-time microbiological genomic identification system - Implications for national and global detection and control of infectious diseases. Consensus report of an expert meeting 1-2 September 2011, Bruxelles, Beligum (pdf)

Karakteristik af danske slagtesvinebesætninger 2007-2008 - Økologisk, frilands- og konventionel produktion (pdf - available in Danish only)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2009 (pdf)

Report: The external Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Foodborne Infections Network Year 2009 (pdf)

Report: Climate changes and animal health and food safety. Report of an international workshop under the DTU Climate Change Technologies program (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2008 (pdf)

Notat: Sammenligning af salmonellaforekomst i frilandssvin, økologiske svin og konventionelle svin (pdf - available in Danish only)

Fremtidens fødevaresikkerhed - nye veje mod sikrere kød i Danmark (pdf - available in Danish only)

De danske systemer til overvågning og kontrol af salmonella - Et kristisk eftersyn (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2007 (pdf)

Interventions to control Campylobacter in the broiler production. Report of an International Expert Consultation - Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-27 November 2007 (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System of the Global WHO Global Salm-Surv, year 2008 (pdf)

Animal Health in Denmark 2006 (pdf) 


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2006 (pdf)

Figures from Annual Report 2006 (pdf)

Profiling of viral safety of biopharmaceuticals produced from Danish dairy cattle (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Salm-Surv, Year 2007 (pdf)

Animal Health in Denmark 1999-2005 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2005 (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Salm-Surv, Year 2006 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2004 (pdf) og rettelser til Annual Report 2004 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2003 (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Salmonella Surveillance and Laboratory Support Project 2004 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2002 (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System of the WHO Global Salmonella Surveillance and Laboratory Support Project 2003 (pdf)


The External Quality Assurance System 2002 of the WHO Global Salmonella Surveillance and Laboratory Support Project (Global Salm Surv) (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2000 (pdf)

Mad og mikroorganismer nr. 5. Resultater fra fire kortlægningsundersøgelser over sygdomsfremkaldende bakterier i fødevarer (pdf - available in Danish only)

The External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) of the WHO Global Salmonella Surveillance and Laboratory Support Project (Global Salm-Surv) 2001 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 1999 (pdf)

The External Quality Assurance System (EQAS) of the WHO Global Salmonella Surveillance and Laboratory Support Project (Global Salm-Surv) 2000 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 1998 (pdf)


Report: Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 1997 (pdf)

Mad og mikroorganismer nr. 3. Indsamling af bakterier til antibiotikaresistensovervågning 1996 (pdf - available in Danish only)


Mad og mikroorganismer nr. 1 (pdf - available in Danish only)


Mad og mikroorganismer nr. 2 (pdf - available in Danish only)