Internationally leading the charge against salmonella
Denmark is seen as a pioneer in the effort to combat salmonella in poultry. Over the past nearly 20 years, the prevalence of salmonella in Danish produced broilers and eggs has reduced to near zero today. The success is due to a combination of unique scientific methods and cooperation between authorities, industry and researchers. This has meant that Denmark in 2012 became the first country in the EU to achieve special status and as such Denmark can require that imported eggs must be free of salmonella.
Read about the coordinated effort to combat salmonella in Denmark:
A series of articles in The Oregonian describes what the USA can learn from the Danish experience: Contaminated chicken: What can the USDA learn from Denmark about eliminating salmonella.
A scientific article in the publication Emerging Infectious Diseases describes Denmark’s comprehensive salmonella control programme, which in 2001 was estimated by researchers to save Danish society almost twice as much as it costs to carry out: Salmonella Control Programs in Denmark.
Dorte Lau Baggesen Head of Academic Support Phone: +45 35886207
Frank Møller Aarestrup Professor, Head of Research Group Phone: +45 35886281