Foods with pesticide residues on the Danish market

In 2023, pesticide residues were found in 80% of all samples of conventionally grown fruit, in 42% of all samples of conventionally grown vegetables, and in 27% of conventionally grown cereal products. But 98% of all samples of fruit, vegetables, and cereal products comply with the established limits for pesticides in food. This is shown in the annual pesticide report from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the DTU Food Institute.

See the report: Pesticide residues in food 2023. Results from the Danish Pesticide Control (pdf) 
The annual pesticide report from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark is based on control data from each quarter, which are continuously published in quarterly reports. The publication of the annual report replaces these. Reports from pesticide control are available on the National Food Institute’s website: Pesticides in the diet. 
See also the press release from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark are responsible for conducting the Danish pesticide control, which examines samples of fruits, vegetables, cereal products, baby food, processed products, and animal products such as meat, liver, eggs, and honey for pesticide residues. It is a risk-based control, where sampling focuses on:

  • The 25 foods from which Danes – according to calculations from the National Food Institute – get more than 80% of their total pesticide intake
  • Foods where pesticide residues are most likely to be found
  • Foods where there is the greatest risk of the maximum residue limit to be exceeded