Invitation to Professor Elinor Hallström's inaugural lecture


Invitation to Professor Elinor Hallström's inaugural lecture


29. nov 2024 15:00 - 18:00


DTU Lyngby Campus
Anker Engelunds Vej 101,
Building 101A, 1st floor
Meeting room M1 (reception in the foyer by M1)
2800 Kgs. Lyngby


DTU Fødevareinstituttet


Sandra Stolzenbach Wæhrens

Inaugural Lecture

Invitation to Professor Elinor Hallström's inaugural lecture

Join the inaugural lecture of Professor Elinor Hallström Friday 29 November 2024, where she will discuss the potential of dietary changes to transform both human and environmental health.

What´s for dinner tonight? In everyday life, we are constantly faced with food choices that ultimately determine our dietary habits and related health and environmental impact.

Transition towards more sustainable food systems is urgent. Food production is a major driver of environmental pressure, and half of the global population lives on an unbalanced diet associated with increased disease risk.

Dietary change has a large potential to achieve a lower environmental impact and improved nutrition and health outcomes. But what is a sustainable diet? And do more environmentally friendly diets also benefit our health? In this presentation Elinor Hallström will talk about the research field of Sustainable Nutrition where methods and data from nutrition and environmental science are combined to gain a better understanding of what sustainable diets mean in practice.   

Elinor Hallström is Professor of nutrition, sustainability, and health, and the lecture will be in English.


Sustainable Nutrition: Diets for human and planetary health


Friday, 29 November 2024, 3:00-4:00 p.m., followed by a reception.