Study contact

Teaching in general 

Associate professor Timothy John Hobley

Bachelor of Engineering in Food analysis (BEng)

Student counsellor and associate professor Anoop Kumar Sharma 

Internships for BEng

Professor Peter Ruhdal Jensen
Study secretary Else Tranholm Mortensen

Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition (BSc)

Associate professor Nina Gringer

Master of science in Food Technology

Student counsellor and associate professor Marianna Uhre Jakobsen  

Erasmus programme, foreign approaches

Associate professor Timothy John Hobley

University rules and procedures concerning Ph.D. issues

Study secretary Else Tranholm Mortensen

University rules and procedures concerning bachelor and master educations

Study secretary Else Tranholm Mortensen

International Affairs

Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1, Building 101A
DK 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Phone: +45 45 25 10 23
Fax: +45 45 87 02 16
