The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, in its capacity as co-organiser, invites you to the international workshop on fluorinated compounds in materials, humans and the environment – the PFAS/Nordfluor workshop, which takes place on 27-29 October 2013 in Denmark. Deadline for submitting oral presentations is 31 July 2013.
Fluor in various forms is found in many ordinary consumer goods. Some fluorinated substances may be problematic to the environment and health, for instance the so-called perfluorinated substances.
On 27-29 October 2013, the National Food Institute co-hosts the 5th international workshop on fluorinated compounds: Fluorinated compounds in materials, humans and the environment - current knowledge and scientific gaps, the PFAS/Nordfluor workshop.
The workshop will focus on the level of existing knowledge in the fields of analysis, exposure, transport, toxicity and regulation, and on areas where scientific knowledge is missing.
The workshop is particularly relevant to professionals within the areas of analysis, physical chemistry, exposure to fluorinated substances, spreading in the environment and to humans, toxic effects of the substances as well as environmental and food safety regulation.
Sunday, 27 October, to Tuesday, 29 October 2013.
LO Konventum
Gl. Hellebækvej 70
3000 Helsingør, Denmark
Call for abstracts and posters
Deadline for submitting lecture abstracts is 31 July, for submitting posters 30 September - please refer to the guidelines for preparing abstracts on the conference website.
The price for participating in the workshop is 100-400 euro, discounts available for specific groups. Please register online on Deadline for registration is 31 August 2013.
Read more
See the entire invitation (pdf).
Further information about the workshop can be found on